February Gardening Tips for the South
With the frigid temperatures outside, the last thing on your mind might be gardening. However, there are actually some things you can do this month to prepare your garden for the spring. Start Spring Planting* Roses. Get roses in the ground now so they'll be established before hot weather arrives....

Winter Landscaping Tips
Whether you live in the north or the south, maintaining a nice yard in the winter months is still a priority. Here are a few tips we found from Better Homes & Gardens that will help you enjoy your yard throughout the coldest of seasons. Bark Yes, deciduous trees lose their leaves in...

What to do with that Christmas Tree …
Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree ... what do we do with you now? Yes, many of us are currently taking down the decorations and would like to do something with our live tree rather than throw it to the curb for the garbage pickup. If you are one of those individuals here are some great ideas...

The Care and Keeping of Poinsettias
Many will use beautiful poinsettias for their indoor holiday decorations. Their vibrant colors and gorgeous leaves make a beautiful statement in any home. However, their care can be slightly different from other house plants. The Spruce.com offers some great tips on keeping your poinsettias alive...

Caring for Your Christmas Tree
'Tis the season for mistletoe, holly and yes, Christmas trees. And if you are a live tree lover, you know it takes more than plugging in the lights to keep your tree fresh and smelling good throughout the month. We too were interested in learning the best tips of making our tree last, so we turned...

What to do with your Halloween Pumpkin
Halloween is a time to trick or treat, dress up and carve pumpkins. However, what should one do with that pumpkin once Halloween has come to an end? We found some great ideas from PumpkinPatchesandMore.org. A few of include: Put it in the compost heap - it will make good fertilizer Bury it...

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