Daffodil or Jonquil … Is there a Difference?
Daffodil or Jonquil? A very common question when it comes to gardening and one we hope we can help answer today. Jonquils and daffodils are both classed as Narcissus. However, daffodil bulbs are typically barely scented while jonquils are very fragrant. According to the American Daffodil Society,...

Azaleas in Full Bloom
If you are a fan of watching The Masters, you might view partially for the golfing, but also for the blooming azaleas. The glorious shrubs might possibly be some of the most amazing in the South. And it might come as no surprise, that Southern Living, calls azaleas, the "number one must-have plant...

Rose Garden Tips
Roses are a beautiful addition to any flower garden, however many are afraid the upkeep will be too hard to maintain gorgeous blooms. This actually not true, and pretty much anyone can grow roses. According to GardenDesign.com, you should "plant your roses in a sunny location with good drainage....

Lawn Maintenance Tips
Lawn maintenance can be an overwhelming project to some. If you are one of those our first tip is call us! However, if you are looking for preventative measures you can take on your own, here are some tips from the University of Georgia's Extension Office. First, you want to make sure you properly...

Flowers to Plant in March
The sun is out, at least for today, and it has everyone thinking of Spring! With those thoughts might come the question of what flowers should I plant in March? While there are many out there to choose from, here are two of our favorites we found in gardenguides.com. Dahlia "Dahlias (Dahlia) can...

How to Save your Garden from all the Rain
Rain, rain and more rain! It seems as if it might never stop here in Georgia. And while we know it can cause nightmares on our commutes, it can also wreak havoc on our yards! According to FarmandDairy.com, "the soil can only take so much water. After it’s maxed out, the water can pool, flooding...

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8am - 5pm