In the South the temperatures are beginning to fall, and so are the leaves.

During this time, it is really important that you remove those leaves as quickly as possible. A thick layer of leaves will suffocate your lawn, not allowing adequate amounts of air, nutrients, and sunlight to reach your grass.

According to, raking the foliage truly is not just for tidiness, but also for lawn health. Here are 5 reasons you have probably heard about removing leaves, and guess what? The claims are all true!

1.That lawns, too, have to “breathe.” – True

2. The lawn will be smothered in a thick layer of unshredded leaves is left on top of them over the winter. – True

3. That such a layer can invite pests and diseases and can cause serious problems like snow mold and brown patch. – True

4. That such a layer forms a barrier that blocks water, nutrients, and a healthy air flow from getting down to the root system of your grass. – True

5. That, if the leaves are matted down, they can even keep new grass blades from emerging next spring. – True

So, if you find yourself with extra time this weekend, you just might want to tackle this project. If not, you can always call us at Stone Creek Landscaping, your full service lawn maintenance and landscapers!