January Lawn Maintenance

Happy New Year and welcome to January! With the new year comes new lawn needs and today we are here to share some of the most important items you should focus on this month. January Keep mower blades sharp and lawn tools ready. Spring comes early in southern zones....
What To Do With All Those Fall Leaves

What To Do With All Those Fall Leaves

These blustery Georgia days are truly wreaking havoc on the beautiful fall colored leaves in the trees. And no doubt you have mountains of leaves in your yard. Which leads us to the question of, what should you do with those leaves. We found a great list of...
November Garden and Lawn Care Checklist

November Garden and Lawn Care Checklist

Can you believe November will be here Sunday? What has felt like the year that would never end, will soon be coming to a close. And as the winter months approach it is time to prepare your yard and garden. Below are some tips from SouthernLiving.com to help prepare...