Spring Has Arrived

Spring Has Arrived

Believe it or not, Spring has arrived, and along with it has come the pollen! Included in the list of springs pollens is grass pollen, but did you know there is actually a way to combat this pesky pollen? According to FamilyAllergy.com, “grass is one of the...
Caring for Shrubs

Caring for Shrubs

Shrubs make a great addition to a home’s landscape. They can provide shade for lower growing plants or even used for privacy walls. Shrubs come in a variety of sizes from small to medium sized plants. They are typically larger than flowers, but smaller than...

March Madness … In Your Yard!

In two days, Mach will be here and according to Better Homes & Gardens, March is a “bridge month in the garden.”  To help you get ready for the upcoming month, they compiled a great list of things you should be ready to do. Here are some of their...

January Lawn Tips

January is here and up until this weekend, we have seen some warmer than average temperatures. The warmer temps might mean you have had more time to spend in your yard, but what exactly should you be focusing on this month? Many homeowners have the same question, so...
Time to Recycle the Christmas Tree

Time to Recycle the Christmas Tree

If you decorated your home this holiday season with a live tree, chances are you are trying to decide where to recycle the Christmas tree. After a bit of research we found a fantastic website that can help those in Georgia ready to rid themselves of Christmas cheer,...
Happy Holidays from Stone Creek

Happy Holidays from Stone Creek

The holidays are here and all of us at Stone Creek Landscaping want to wish you and your family a joyous holiday season. What a year it has been for us! We weathered the dry and rainy days, unbearable heat and now the cold! And through it all, the best part has been...